Friday, June 1, 2018

(Download) Augusta: The Lost Epic of Rome's Last Days pdf by L.A. Henneke

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In ages past, the Roman Empire sprawled from the fringes of Scotland all the way down to Syria, but five hundred years of Imperium over the West have taken their tole. Rome limps upon her last legs. Attila prepares to march to war, spurned by the will of his dread battle-god. A dragon brought low by an ancient curse stirs in Gallic mountains, and creatures from time immemorial once more prowl the wilds of Europe.

Into this world an exile from Italy is thrust, and the weight of the world rests upon her shoulders, scorned and rejected as a herald of strife and an accomplice to this apocalypse. Her name cursed by all the world, she has but one charge.
L.A. Henneke Augusta: The Lost Epic of Rome's Last Days free
Augusta: The Lost Epic of Rome's Last Days read online free book
Augusta: The Lost Epic of Rome's Last Days read online

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